Thursday 23 February 2012


Sustenance according to the dictionary means the following:
  • support, maintainance or substance
  • food, provisions, nourishment
  • maintaining someone or something, life or existence
Images that come to mind to reflect the meaning of sustenance are:
  • trees, bread, water, food
  • Japanese and Asian symbols 
  • Aboriginal symbols - tree, sun, kangaroo, bush tucker, meeting, rain
  • fabricanart

Environmental issues we face today

Environmental issues faced by Australia and the world
  • climate change
  • energy use
  • conservation
  • endangered animals and plants
  • barrier reef and marine life are endangered
  • whales
  • oil spills
  • land clearing
  • transportation
  • urbanisation
  • population growth
  • water 
  • coal 
  • biodiversity

Research of the target audience - children