Thursday 12 April 2012

Game development

I started to think about the game more so I decided that if the children were going to draw on the back of the outside of the packaging it would be better if there was a space that was directly for that process. I made a white box that looks like it was sticky taped on neatly to give it a bit of an old feel or like a white board. I also thought that I should create a character to make the game more personal, but if I was to create a character I wanted it to be an Australian Animal. I looked up possible animals such as a dingo, rabbit, pelican and the bilby. I wanted the character to be a cartoon because it will work for the shape of the packaging and the style. I also thought of using watercolour to colour the animal so it would work with the soft subtle theme of the packaging graphics. I tried to draw a frog first but it wasn't working so well.

I wanted the character to hold a quill and be a pirate to connect with the game. I researched cartoon Australian animals and found the following images.


      I think the pelican or the bilby would work the best as a pirate and with the packaging.

Clip art of 2012, Bilby cartoon, retrieved from

Crickey Boy Blog 2012, retrieved from

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